Nauvoo Youth Trip 2023 Packing List

Each youth will be allowed ONE SMALL piece of luggage, a bag/backpack, and pillow.

It may be helpful to refer to the schedule of activities when packing.

Required Items:

  • Medications (All medications must be in original containers and documented in registration form.)
  • Sunday dress clothes for Temple session
  • Bring comfortable dress shoes – we will be walking a lot, and much of it will be in the dirt.
  • Temple Recommend
  • Family names to take to the temple (place all 5 names in ziploc bag)
  • Scriptures & journals
  • Casual clothes for 5 days (refer to For the Strength of the Youth standards)
    • Comfortable walking shoes
    • Pants/shorts (modest knee length)
    • Shirts
    • Underwear & socks
    • Modest pajamas
    • Light jacket/sweatshirt/Rain jacket/poncho
    • Shower shoes
  • Personal items (hygiene products, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, soap, etc.)
  • Backpack (for snacks & stuff you’ll need on bus and for sightseeing)
  • Sturdy water bottle with your name on it
  • Wrist Watch (*optional*…but may be a good idea when you are touring Nauvoo and need to be places at a certain time.)
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug spray
  • Sunglasses/hat
  • Baby Wipes for “freshening up”
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Pillow & Blanket or sleeping bag for the cabins we will be staying in.
  • For the bus ride, you may bring items that meet Church standards.  Games, music, and reading material should be things that you’d be comfortable sharing with your Stake presidency.  

Suggested Optional Items:

  • Snacks for bus/water flavor packets
  • Nominal cash for snacks and souvenirs
  • ONE digital device (such as cell phone, mp3 player, iPad, headphones etc.)
  • Portable Charger
  • Camera

We will not be responsible for any lost or damaged items